Computer 3D character animation essentially is a product, which is combined with computer graphics and robotics, physics,\nmathematics, and the arts. It is based on computer hardware and graphics algorithms and related sciences rapidly developed new\ntechnologies. At present, the mainstream character animation technology is based on the artificial production of key technologies\nand capture frames based on the motion capture device technology. 3D character animation is widely used not only in the\nproduction of film, animation, and other commercial areas but also in virtual reality, computer-aided education, flight simulation,\nengineering simulation, military simulation, and other fields. In this paper, we try to study physics based character animation to\nsolve these problems such as poor real-time interaction that appears in the character, low utilization rate, and complex production.\nThe paper deeply studied the kinematics, dynamics technology, and production technology based on the motion data. At the same\ntime, it analyzed ODE, PhysX, Bullet, and other variety of mainstream physics engines and studied OBB hierarchy bounding box\ntree, AABB hierarchical tree, and other collision detection algorithms. Finally, character animation based on ODE is implemented,\nwhich is simulation of the motion and collision process of a tricycle.